The Customer may assert the warranty against hidden defects in the item sold within the meaning of Article 1641 of the Civil Code for a period of twelve (12) months from the purchase.

In this case, he can choose between the resolution of the sale or a reduction of the sale price.

It is recalled that, in order to take advantage of the warranty against hidden defects, the Customer must provide proof of the existence of a defect rendering the item unfit for the use for which it is intended and of the anteriority of the defect by report to the sale.

The request should be addressed to DPMS at the following address: contact@dpmspensersecurité.com. Upon receipt of the Customer's request, accompanied by the aforementioned supporting documents, the Company will inform him of the return mailing address for the Product.

In case of resolution of the sale, the costs of returning the Product remain the responsibility of the Customer.


The warranty against hidden defects does not apply in the following circumstances:

- Batteries and batteries;

- Abnormal use of the Product or not in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;

- Device having undergone a transformation or a modification of its structure or its functioning;

- Withdrawal / erasure of the brand or serial number of the Product

Furthermore, when the hidden defect relates to a part and the Product can be repaired, the Customer acknowledges and agrees to have the Product repaired before requesting the resolution of the sale or partial reimbursement of the price. The immobilization of the Product for the time necessary for the repair does not give rise to the payment of any compensation of any kind. If the intervention reveals the absence of hidden defects, it will be billed to the Customer at the standard rates in effect on the date of the repair.


The warranty against hidden defects is supplemented, if applicable, by the warranty offered by the manufacturer. In this specific case, the Customer must contact the manufacturer directly.


The Customer is expressly reminded that the legal guarantee of conformity benefiting consumers does not apply to his purchase and use by him of the Products.